Holiday Events @ our clubhouse - North Gong Hotel!
Nov 29

Holiday Events @ our clubhouse - North Gong Hotel!

November 29, 2021 - 3 years ago

If you didn’t know already, North Gong Hotel is our Clubhouse!

That means that YOU – as Urban Rec members – get sweet perks and prizes from them, as awell as a place to call your post-game spot to socialize. How good!

With the holiday silly season approaching, we wanna fill you in on some upcoming Events @ North Gong Hotel!

  • SUNDAY SESSIONS → These epic AF Sundays are full of dope tunes, lovely humans and endless fun. Check it out.
  • SANTA CLAUS PUB DAY → Join the Urban Rec fam for a day full of festivities at our clubhouse.
  • XMAS EVE @North Gong → Get ready to party til Santa comes with a stocking full of slappers from epic artists.
  • NEW YEAR’S EVE @North Gong → Finish 2021 with Yours & Owls who have curated the NYE party you’ve been dreaming of!

Be sure to tag @urbanrecwollongong when you join any (or all) of these epic holiday events so we can share the love! <3 xx

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Sport's Back!
Oct 17

Sport's Back!

October 17, 2021 - 3 years ago

YAHOO! NSW has hit 80%

As I am sure you have already heard, from Monday, 18 October, there will be easing of additional restrictions due to NSW hitting the 80% double dose mark, including the return to community sports. Fantastic!

Our venues are not permitting us to return until the week of 25 October, so you’ve got 1 more week to get stoked about returning to social sport!

Here’s what you need to know:


  • You will play out your remaining game(s) of the season.
  • All leagues (with the exception of Netball-7s Wednesday and Soccer Thursday) will have the option to extend the season until the end of 2021, meaning your ‘next seasons’ are shortened seasons of 6 or 8 games, depending on the league. For Netball-7s Wednesday & Soccer Thursday, ‘next season’ = ‘Breakout Season’ and is a full 10-game season.
  • All players and team captains received an email on Friday, 15 October outlining options.
  • You will receive a schedule notification on Tuesday, 19 October with your updated schedule.


  • All ‘Breakout Season’ leagues are online and open for individual and team registration.
  • A full list of ‘Breakout Season’ leagues is below.
  • Once you register, you’ll receive an email from Urban Rec HQ with next steps. :-)
  • PS – Joining will be the best post-lockdown situation you could make...

NOTE – All team registrations are $100 off until 11:59pm Monday, 18 October. The price below reflects the normal price, not incluside of the $100 off. The discount is applied automatically on the website at the time of registration.

covid policy & faqs

Click through to learn everything you need to know about ‘Vaccinate to Participate,’ QR Codes and ongoing COVID-Safe Compliance so that you can have a smooth start back to playing social sport.

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October - Mental Health Month
Oct 4

October - Mental Health Month

October 4, 2021 - 3 years ago

October is finally here my friends! That means more daylight, warmer weather, return to sport and mental health month! If lockdown has showed us anything, it’s highlighted (1) the importance of good mental health; (2) how much we crave connection; and (3) we have an innate desire to move around → in short, there’s a connection between the mind and body.

You’ve probably heard sports are great for physical health, but did you know that there are so many other psychological benefits to playing sport too? Here are just a few:

  • Helps reduce stress = Exercise causes the body to release endorphins (chemicals that relieve pain and stress) and also reduces the levels of stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline.
  • Improve mood = Playing sport forces you to concentrate in the moment, which can help clear your mind and promote calmness.
  • Boost mental health = Some studies have shown team sports can have a greater impact on mental health then individual sports, which is likely due to the feelings of belonging, support and teamwork found in team sports.

We want to celebrate Mental Health Month this October by challenging you to tick off as many of our ideas as possible. See if you feel a difference in your body and mind, and lettuce know! :-)

We also want to celebrate by inviting you to break outta lockdown and jump back onto the field, court or pitch with us this October! Urban Rec is all about connecting people through sport with active, social, fun. With the return to sport just a few weeks away, we can’t wait to improve our mental health and physical well-being with you! There are 2 ways you can play:

  1. Register as an individual If you wanna play but don’t have a team, no worries! Our individual teams are the BEST way to make new mates in this city. All our sports have individual teams open for players.
  2. Register as a team If you already have a group of active mates, round them up and join as a team!

If you have any questions about playing with us, please reach out to us → [email protected]

Elbow taps. High fives. Smiles. See you soon!

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The Breakout Season - what is it?
Sep 14

The Breakout Season - what is it?

September 14, 2021 - 3 years ago

“Breakout Season” → what is it?! Well let me tell ya!

Our old mate COVID has put a spanner in the works to the traditional seasonal structure that we used to have.

With most of our autumn seasons paused + our winter seasons postponed + our mission to honour all memberships, we have decided that whatever the weather, the 1st season back will be called THE BREAKOUT SEASON!

We’ve been locked up, and now we’re gonna BREAK OUT!

Once we are out, our goal is to deliver the BEST and BIGGEST seasons ever!

  • More member perks
  • Extra clubhouses & deals
  • More leagues
  • More individuals’ teams
  • Stellar hosts
  • Epic AF social events
  • Hilarious and engaging social media content

We will be having a Wollongong-wide promo to replace the traditional priority registration, meaning there will be a week where all Breakout Leagues will be open for EVERYONE & ANYONE with a little thank you gift – TBA...keep your eyes open!

T&C’s – The promo is valid for any full TEAM registrations. To be eligible, a registration must be completed in full by the closing date of the promo week (date TBC). Until the date is announced, you can pay a deposit to secure your team space, and we will honor the prize on any balanced paid within the promo week period.

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Return to Sport...what does it look like for Urban Rec?
Sep 13

Return to Sport...what does it look like for Urban Rec?

September 13, 2021 - 3 years ago

Newsflash! return to sport is in sight. exciting!

SO….what does that mean for playing with Urban Rec?

The State government is imposing mandatory double vaccination for participation, making it illegal for unvaccinated members to participate in sports & recreation.

We are working to ensure we have QR Codes at evrey venue/field/ovat/etc to enable our members to check in for all games. This ensures we are meeting the government guidelines and keeping you all safe...just as pubs, cafes, restaurants, etc have been doing for a while now.

After analysing the most recent information provided by NSW government, it is our aim to resume/launch leagues as soon as 70% double-dose state-wide vaccination rate has been achieved. Our current programming has estimated this to happen around October 18. 

A key thing to note is the classification of “Adult Recreational Sport” vs “Community Club Sport”. Urban Rec is classified as an Adult Recreational Sports Provider, not a community sport club. It is crucial to differentiate between the two because of the participation demographic. Urban Rec does not provide sport to juniors or children. State and Federal government health officials have deemed the return of community sport to be a higher risk due to the perceived dangers of high volumes of unvaccinated minors/juniors gathering to play sport...hence the delayed return for schools and community sport. Urban Rec does not have the same perceived risk as community sport as all members are adults (18+), and each member will have to check in via the QR code, which we expect will also include verified vaccination proof.

In addition to the QR Code system, all gatherings (both indoor and outdoor) will be kept to a group size of maximum 20 members per field/court with the 4sqm rule never to be exceeded. [NOTE – Our sports fields/coruts provide much more than 4sqm per member, as we have to allow for player  movement...for example, using the 4sqm rule, a standard netball court dimensions would allow for 112 players...we allow 14]. Urban Rec will maintain all other previous COVID-Safe measures, including cleanliness of kits.

If you are a currently participating member, your games will be scheduled to go ahead in line with the Public Health Orders and new personal COVID restrictions. There is a chance due to venue and facility availability, we will need to change locations for some of our leagues. Your schedule may be subject to change in the future as we welcome some new teams to join into your league if capacity allows.

This decision is going to be taken out of our hands and will be part of NSW Public Health Orders. The short answer is, no. You should look to replace these team members, and contact your League Manager if you have any issues. 

This is something we are waiting on NSW Health to confirm and provide clarity on. 

GREAT! We have new leagues starting in October, and there will be opportunities to join existing leagues where capacity allows. Our goal is to get as many eligible members playing sport as possible in a safe and social environment.


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Sep 8


September 8, 2021 - 3 years ago

πŸ‘‹ Hello Urban Reccers! R U OK? ⁠

Life's ups and downs happen to everyone, and sadly, odds are someone you care about may be struggling. While anytime 24/7, 365 is appropriate to reach out to check-in, R U OK DAY? = THURSDAY, 09 SEPTEMBER 2021. We encourage you to stay connected and support those around you!

Don't underestimate the power of a smile 😊, a kind word πŸ“š, a listening ear πŸ‘‚, an honest compliment πŸ’› or a random act of kindness. ⁠

Not sure where to start?
  • R U OK? has amazing resources for different settings
  • 2minute mates is all about providing mental health support so we can have stronger πŸ’ͺ conversations and better friendships 😎 by learning how to make these convos part of the everyday βœ….
  • Mental Health Movement provides info on how to create a more supportive work culture.

** If you are having a difficult time or are worried about someone, Lifeline (13 11 14) provides confidential crisis support 24/7. **

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STEP your way through September lockdown

August 30, 2021 - 3 years ago

Attention Urban Reccers! Now is your chance to be Urban Steppers!
step your way through september lockdown.

STEPtember is a fun virtual event that challenges you to walk, swim, ride, wheel or spin your way to 10,000 steps per day during the month of September – all while helping to improve the lives of people who live with cerebral palsy!

We, as Urban Rec, have created a fundraising page, and invite YOU to join our Urban Rec crew! Our goal is to raise $1000 total, and to reach that, we will match Urban Rec members’ 1st donation (up to $25) for the 1st 40 partcipants!
** Be sure to register for our Steptember event so we know you’re on the Urban Rec team! **

Have a little fun and get your active, social, fun on this month! Here’s how to do it!

  1. Click REGISTER on the STEPtember website.
  2. Select “Register with my workplace or group”
  3. Type in “URBAN REC.” A picture of UR HQ staff in bucket hats should appear as the profile picture. Select this.
  4. You then have the option to create a “team.” If you want to invite friends or teammates who have not already registered, click YES and enter up to 3 friends to send them an invite. [note – if they have already registered, they cannot add them]

This is a great chance to stay engaged with our Urban Rec community, have a bit of a friendly competition amongst other Urban Reccers/Steppers, get active and have FUN! Let’s step it up!

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On-Going COVID Response
Aug 25

On-Going COVID Response

August 25, 2021 - 3 years ago

Updated 25.08.21

Hi Gong Urban Recc’ers! Lindsay just touching base. It’s been a long few months. With Wollongong still being included as part of Greater Sydney, our initial 7 day lockdown has now been extended until the end of September.

This means a few things for you:

  • Your schedules will be updated to reflect the lockdown extension with a hopeful restart date of beginning of October.
  • As soon as we know additional information, you will be informed. We confirm that all games will be honored/rescheduled….we will not take away games you have paid for.
  • Next season start dates have been adjusted to allow our current seasons to finish.

More info on State and Federal Public Health Orders can be found here.

In the meantime, we are organizing a few things for you to get involved in over the course of September! We’d love for you to stay connected with our community!

  • LOCKED-UP TRIVIA = We’ve organized an epic night of fun facts and challenges hosted by our Sydney League Manager – BananaRaja! You can play in teams or as individuals, with lucky dip prizes delivered to your door during the night and heaps of laughs! Learn more & join the fun here!
  • STEP-TEMBER = Urban Rec is putting in a team for Step-temper to raise money for cerebral palsy! More info will be released on Monday, 30 August.

Special Consideration… → do you live in Shellharbour?
There may  be a chance that Shellharbour is released from lockdown earlier than Wollongong if it is still classified as regional. We are working on some options within Shellharbour...stay tuned!

As always, we will be monitoring the situation closely, and as soon as we have info on changes, this blog will be updated.

Stay connected! x
~ Lindsay

Updated 28.07.21

With the extension of the current lockdown until 28 August, our leagues continue to be on pause.

Your schedules have been updated to reflect a hopeful restart date for the week of 30 August. As soon as we know additional information, you will be informed. We confirm that all games will be honored/rescheduled….we will not take away games you have paid for.

Next season start dates have been adjusted to allow our current seasons to finish.

Updated 14.07.21

With the extension of the current lockdown until 30 July, it’s definitely not ideal for us, but we are staying positive and planning for an amazing Comeback Season!

We are currently projecting our restart date for the week of 01 August. We are keeping our ears to the ground to pick up any new info regarding further restrictions to community sport once the lockdown is lifted. As soon as we know and have a plan, you’ll be informed. All games will be honored/rescheduled.

In the meantime, are you BORED and still wanna play a game!? → all without leaving the house?! → we’ve got your back → proudly introducing FIREBALL FIFA!
  • E-leagues are back = Fifa, Play Station, Xbox
  • Play online against other Urban Rec members.
  • Full league structure, Fun Points, prizing...the full league experience!
  • Gaming vouchers, Fireball and Urban Rec merch to be won.
  • And → it’s free to join!

Updated 07.07.21

With the extension of the current lockdown, all Urban Rec leagues will continue to be on pause, with a restart date planned for the week of 19 July. Please refer to NSW Health website for the most up to date info on locations and restrictions.

Your games have been rescheduled, and you will see the updated schedule when you log into your Urban Rec Member Profile Dashboard.

Please keep your eyes on your email for an email from us next week regarding important restart info.

Updated 26.06.21

Based on the NSW Health and NSW Government restrictions, all Urban Rec leagues are on pause for the next 2 weeks, with a hopeful restart date for the week of 12 July. Please refer to NSW Health website for the most up to date info on locations and restrictions.

Your games will be rescheduled, so you do not miss out on any games. You will see the updated schedule reflected in your Member Dashboard.

We will be in touch next week once we have more information about restarting social sport again.

Updated 23.06.21 @2:10pm

The NSW Government has now included Wollongong in its classification of Greater Sydney. Please refer to NSW Health website for the most up to date info on locations and restrictions.

Hi Everyone!

While we are in Wollongong, we recognize there are a lot of people who commute to Sydney for work or leisure, and due to the small spike in COVID cases seen in the recent days in Sydney, we wanted to take a moment to explain our stance and response.

First off, please recognize that we are constantly monitoring the situation, and we are taking all of our directives from the State and Federal Governments and health agencies. This is a fluid issue that we are reacting and responding to with the best of our ability based on available information.


  • We will continue to be diligent with our COVID Clean Policy at all of our leagues.
  • During this period of uncertainy, we will not be issuing any Default Fees, as we respect each member’s choice as to whether or not they choose to take part in their game(s). That said, we do kindly ask that if you or your team is not planning to play in your game, you give us as much notice as possible to we can try to coordinate a friendly game for your opposition.
  • If the situation chances, we will react accordingly and will inform you ASAP.


  • Be diligent with your personal hygiene.
  • If you are feeling unwell, do not show up.
  • If you have been to any of the locations listed by NSW Health, act accordingly.
  • Notify us ASAP if you are not coming to your game.

Thank you for your understanding!
~ Lindsay
Urban Rec Wollongong – General Manager
Urban Rec Australia – Sports Admin Director

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Interactive Trivia Night
Aug 3

Interactive Trivia Night

August 3, 2021 - 3 years ago

Hiya Urban Rec’cers!

It’s lockdown...we’re missing, drumroll please… → we’re hosting an interactive Trivia Night for your lockdown pleasure! Experience 6 rounds of ridiculous, humorous, controversial and highly competitive trivia!

In teams of 4, you will fight your way through rounds of dance-offs, drink-offs, skills tests, and of course, tests of your knowledge.

Albeit we’re physically apart, we wanna keep the Urban Rec community vibes alive, so be sure to register for a coveted spot and a chance at endless smiles, laughter and fun!

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Ordinary Olympics
Jul 26

Ordinary Olympics

July 26, 2021 - 3 years ago

Ever dreamed of being in the Olympics?! Now is your chance! πŸ† Announcing Urban Rec’s “Ordinary Olympics” with 4 events over the next 2 weeks‼️

🏊‍  Synchronised Bathing
πŸš— Parallel Parking Challenge
🌾 Weet-Bix Challenge
🧦 Long Distance Sock Slide

Submit your entries by tagging @urbanrecwollongong and get ready forπŸ₯‡πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‰place prizing in each event. Prepare for β™Ύ 🀩 endless fun & to have a πŸ˜‚!

Closing ceremonies to take place on Sunday, 08 August! Don’t miss out!

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