Jul 14


July 14, 2021 - 3 years ago

In the midst of social distancing, we all miss sports so much that we want to provide you with what Urban Rec is all about straight from your couch. With a few game times per week, expect to play the best hour with our Urban Rec community.  Scoring, standings’ tables, fun points and prizing all still apply.

Here are the deets!:

  • E-leagues are back = Fifa, Play Station, Xbox
  • Play online against other Urban Rec members.
  • Full league structure, Fun Points, prizing...the full league experience!
  • Gaming vouchers, Fireball and Urban Rec merch to be won.
  • Free to join!

It all starts this Sunday, 18 July → don’t miss out!

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Minute To Win It!
Jul 14

Minute To Win It!

July 14, 2021 - 3 years ago

Bored of lockdown & need to spice it up a little? → Look no further...embrace our Minute To Win It experience!

How To Play:

  1. Choose an activity
  2. Film yourself completing it and tag us @urbanrecwollongong
  3. Take a teammate to challenge

Tick off as many activities as you can! First one to tick them all off wins free rego for you and a friend!

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Urban Rec Sports Challenge
Jul 1

Urban Rec Sports Challenge

July 1, 2021 - 3 years ago

Well, looks like we’ll be without sport for a few weeks. :-(

BUT – that doesn’t mean you should stop living the Urban Rec life! We have created a FUN, challenging and sometimes silly challenge to help you stay (slightly) fit, challenge yourself and beat your teammates!

Knock off as many items as you can! Tag us @urbanrecwollongong and we will report your best work. It’s not easy folks...so it could take a while to harness some of these skills. First to finish all of them wins FREE rego for you and a friend in our next season!

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FUN-DAMENTALS of Social Sport
Jun 11

FUN-DAMENTALS of Social Sport

June 11, 2021 - 3 years ago

we’ve all been to a game, practice or event where we left thinking it was horrible. This makes us sad.
at urban rec, our goal is to make your night playing with us the best of your week!

To accomplish this goal, we need YOUR help! Each time to rock up to an Urban Rec game, please remember these 5 FUN-DAMENTALS of playing social sport with us.

  1. Play to have fun, not to win.
  2. Be the team you want to play against.
  3. Don’t take the game or yourself too seriously.
  4. Practice the art of letting things go.
  5. Remember our Event Hosts have feelings too.

1. Play to have fun, not to win

This is self explanatory. Remember that we give away a 1st place prize,  but if you're tied on the standings' table at the end of the season, the winner will be the one with the higher fun points average! Plus we also give the most fun team in the league a sweet prize!

2. Be the team you want to play against

Ever played a game where you left thinking "jeeze...that was horrible...that team was full of miserable humans”?! DON'T BE THAT TEAM. ⁠ ⁠ Be the happy, smiling, friendly, encouraging, socially competitive (but not intense) team you'd want to play against. ⁠

3. Don’t take the game or yourself too seriously

You're not playing in State of Origin, the Olympics or World Cup. There's no TV cameras and you're not trialing for the pros. ⁠ ⁠ You're playing social sport with Urban Rec. And with us, you actually get better prizes for being more fun! Have a laugh and don't take yourself too seriously. ⁠ ⁠ There are lots of other comps in the Gong that'll help you reach your full sporting potential and aspirations...Urban Rec isn't one of them. (unless of course, your dream is winning epic prizes, making friends and having fun...)

4. Practice the art of letting things go

Life's a rollercoaster. It's also too short to waste time choosing to point out all the little things ("that's a forward pass," "her foot is out," etc). Choose to believe the best in your opponent...they're human...they'll make mistakes or they may just be learning! ⁠
Instead of focusing on the negative, keep smiling, have a (friendly) laugh, ask your Event Host at break to watch out for it and move on. Remember FUN-DAMENTALS #3 of not taking social sport or yourself too seriously and #1 of playing to have fun, not to win.

5. Remember our event hosts have feelings too

Finally, last but probably the most important FUN-DAMENTAL of social sport is remembering that our Event Hosts have feelings too! They are there to facilitate fun and ensure your safety...not to make super technical calls and blow the whistle at every minor indiscretion. ⁠
Please treat our Event Hosts like the absolutely amazing AF legends that they are. Share a laugh, ask questions with respect and remember they are there to have fun too. A bit'o banter is ok, but arguing, yelling or comments of disrespect are never ok.⁠

If you have any questions about the 5 FUN-DAMENTALS of playing social sport with Urban Rec, please hit us up! → [email protected]

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Winter Leagues OPEN!
Jun 4

Winter Leagues OPEN!

June 4, 2021 - 3 years ago

winter is here…
beat the chill this winter through social sport & active.social.fun.
Winter leagues are now online for registration for all teams!

NOTE – If you are a current team playing in AUTUMN, your PRIORITY REGISTRATION WEEK = 21-28 JUNE! If you re-register your team during that week, you’ll get $100 off your team fee! BUT – don’t delay and risk losing your spot! – you can put down a $150 deposit NOW, and then pay the balance (with the $100 deposit applied) during Priority Registration Week!

[** = leagues that are INDOORS **]


  • Dodgeball @ Corrimal – starts 22 July **
  • Soccer @ UOW – starts 22 July

Shoot us a message to [email protected] with any questions! 

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Autumn Mini Seasons
May 18

Autumn Mini Seasons

May 18, 2021 - 3 years ago

Sad you’ve missed the chance to play sport this autumn?! → you’re in luck as we are running mini seasons!

Shoot us a message to [email protected] with any questions! 

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Mates' Day!
May 4

Mates' Day!

May 4, 2021 - 3 years ago

Urban Rec is all about connecting people through sport. Our individual teams are THE BEST way to make new mates in this city. This week, we wanna celebrate all the NEW MATES you guys have met through playing with Urban Rec!!

Here’s how individual teams work. Urban Rec opens individual teams into most of our leagues before the season begins. On a first come, first serve basis teams fill up with like-minded, fun-loving individuals. Once the team is full, it gets entered the league. There are TONS of member perks that come as part of being and UR member as well as playing in an individual team, including the DRAFT, which is where you can select another sport to play for FREE as an individual player if the team needs a few more legends to fill out the team.

Most of our individual teams end up developing their own identities and become part of the Urban Rec family.  It is a great way to meet some people, have some fun and get active.

See the individual FAQ’s 

So, it’s Mates’ Day this Saturday (May 8) – and we wanna see you guys getting together with your mates from Urban Rec! This week, if you and your teammates get together for some food or a bevvy, head to your clubhouse (North Gong Hotel), tag us (@urbanrecwollongong) – and we’ll hook your team up with a sixer at your league next week!

Share the love for #matesday and if you can’t see your mates face to face, call someone and tell them. “I love you mate”.

Don’t take our word for it… Here’s Claire.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 days ago

Hands down the best way to meet new friends through signing up as an individual and joining any team/league. Absolute legends that run the show and awesome people playing in every comp. Down to earth people who are also down for the pub! What else could you want from social sport! 😄⭐️

See more reviews from all our cities in Wollongong, Sydney, Canberra and Newcastle!

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Soccer - the universal sport - so which Urban Rec version is for me?!
Apr 21

Soccer - the universal sport - so which Urban Rec version is for me?!

April 21, 2021 - 3 years ago

Soccer is a universal sport, right?!  YES – but we can always put a little spin on it… Here at Urban Rec, we have different types of soccer to fit your style = outdoor, indoor, street or caged → but what do they all mean, and how are they different?!

  • STREET SOCCER = Our Street Soccer leagues are a little more urban and a little less polished.  We play on different styles of pitches (usually converted tennis courts). Our venues are conveniently located, but may not always premium. The rules may have adaptations that work to suit the venue and make your game experience fun and unpredictable!
  • INDOOR SOCCER = Our Indoor Soccer leagues are – obviously – played indoors and still small sided.  They are not regulation futsal...so don’t stress about the chaos and intensity you may see there.  This is indoors, 5-aside, court sport surfaces and a lot of fun.
  • OUTDOOR SOCCER = Our outdoor soccer leagues are played on grass or astro-turf pitches, and is the most traditional...simply small sided football.

Depending on the venue, you may also have a slight mix of them.  For example, think indoor soccer, but you can play off the walls; or outdoor soccer but you’re playing on a hockey synthetic pitch.  With the universal game, the options are endless.

The thing that does NOT change about our soccer league is the Fun First Policy and that all our leagues result in ACTIVE. SOCIAL. FUN. If you’re playing in our soccer leagues, you are not aiming to be Diego Maradona or Ronaldo...you’re here to have fun.

All leagues are open to register as an individual OR register as a team.

STILL HAVE QUESTIONS, WANNA PLAY OR WORK AS A SOCCER EVENT HOST? → shoot us an email at [email protected]

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Why I gave up my career in health to pursue the world of social sports.
Mar 29

Why I gave up my career in health to pursue the world of social sports.

March 29, 2021 - 4 years ago

With the autumn season quickly approaching, I realize that I haven’t had a chance to properly introduce myself! My name is Lindsay.  I’m the General Manager for Urban Rec here in the Gong, but I prefer the title of Fun Facilitator!  :-)  My goal is that the night(s) you play with us is the most spectacular part of your week!  I want to provide a space where you smile, laugh, sweat, make friends, play sport, trying something new (or return to something old) and HAVE FUN! With that, I wanna tell you a story…

Certified Athletic Trainer. Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach. Personal Trainer. Fitness Instructor. Sports Trainer. Functional Movement Specialist. Coach. These are all the professional hats I’ve worn throughout my life, and all of of them have blessed me with the opportunity to observe the raw emotion, universal language, genuine interaction and influential power sports can have in bringing people together from all walks of life, regardless of circumstance.

As a former athlete, coaches would always preach about hard work, dedication, perseverance, teamwork, diligence, blood, sweat, tears, et cetera, et cetera.  All of that is valid and true, but ultimately, for me, all of those cliché quotes, pump-up speeches and motivational vibes boil down to the simple fact that:

“Sport has the power to change the world.  It has the power to inspire.  It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does.  It speaks to youth in a language they understand.  Sport can create hope where once there was only despair…it laughs in the face of all kinds of discrimination.”
~ Nelson Mandela

After working with collegiate, semi-professional and professional athletes for about 5 years at the University of British Columbia, BC Hockey, Vancouver Whitecaps FC and Florida International University, I chose to leave the world of high performance sport and enter the clinical setting of Athletic Training (scope of practice of sports physio for all you Aussies...) by helping to open a comprehensive fitness, strength and conditioning and active sports rehabilitation clinic in Grenada, West Indies. I was excited to start something from scratch, develop my clinical proficiencies and contribute a skill set to a community that previously did not have access to it.  I quickly realized that, while I was experiencing a huge amount of professional growth in the process of building a business, I was craving more.

My spirit yearned for the competitive environment of sports. My mind craved the dynamic, intense, need-to-be-quick-on-your-feet mentality and fast pace that working with teams of upwards of 100 players required. My body missed the long days, sleepness nights and physical demand of Athletic Training and Strength and Conditioning. But mostly, working in a clinical 1:1 setting with people paying high hourly rates and visiting 4- and 5-star resorts to do in-call rehabilitation or massage for overseas guests made me realize that, while there can be tons of money in the clinical setting and medical tourism, the 1:1 setting did not set my soul on fire in the way I thought it would.

That stated, I kept pushing along, focusing on building the business, acquiring patients and facilitating partnerships with high-stakes resorts, not realizing the personal toll it was taking on me, because I was simultaneously volunteering as a football (soccer) coach with the Jason Roberts Foundation (JRF), which provided me the connection to team sports that had become so deeply engrained in my identity.  While coaching, I was also working with JRF to get a proposal accepted to become a Street Football Partner for the Homeless World Cup Program and send a team from Grenada to the annual Homeless World Cup (HWC) Tournament.  The goal of HWC Street Football Partnerships worldwide is to deliver life-changing programs by providing at-risk and marginalized populations – whether that be homelessness, drug and alcohol addiction, domestic violence, poverty, illiteracy, et cetera – a lifeline to regain hope and inspire change in their lives.  By using football as its platform, HWC epitomizes the power of sport.  It is impossible to list, and no words can describe, all of the memorable moments I experienced during the 2015 HWC in Amsterdam and the global impact of the program. 

Midway through the week at HWC, my cheeks hurts from laughing and smiling, and my eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep and the endless tears from stories I’d heard from players of how HWC has changed their lives. My soul was inspired again.  So, as I’ve done my whole life, I trusted my intuition and decided I needed to leave the financial security that would potentially come from working in a clinical setting to pursue what sets my soul on fire – facilitating positive change through sport by working with teams, outreach programs and large-scale events.

So why did I leave my career in health to pursue the world of social sports?  I am a deep believer that everyone needs sport.  That doesn’t mean people have to strive to go professional or be the best.  It simply means that everyone needs a space where they can – for a second, minute, day or year – experience the positive physical, emotional and mental impact of feeling safe, inspired, connected and hopeful.  Sports give us that.  Sports give us that rare thing that can motivate you on sunshine-filled days, comfort you in a tumultuous storm, elevate you, challenge you and believe in you, even when you may not believe in yourself.  Sports welcome people with open arms, reminding us connections can extend beyond race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status.  Sports remind us to embrace our child-like spirit to play, try something new, challenge ourselves, smile, laugh and have fun.  Sports remind us that, while we do not all speak the same language through the words rolling off our tongues, we all speak the same language of on the pitch, court, track or venue.  Sports remind us that on the pitch, we are all equal, and we are strongest when we harness the power of our differences to change the world.

I hope that find a space within Urban Rec that sparks a childlike energy to play and have fun.  I hope we provide you an outlet for the potentially boring day-to-day to try something a lil’ different.  I hope we give you an opportunity through social sport to feel connected. <3 x

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Autumn Leagues OPEN!
Mar 24

Autumn Leagues OPEN!

March 24, 2021 - 4 years ago

We are quickly approaching the end of our 1st season in Wollongong and amping up for our AUTUMN season!  CRAZY TALK!  All of our AUTUMN LEAGUES are now open for registration online & we can’t wait to have you play!

NOTE – If you are a current team playing in SUMMER, if you re-register during 22-29 March, you will get $100 off your team registration for your current league!

** All leagues with ** are NEW leagues, meaning they are 50% off for individual & team registration for the autumn season **


Shoot us a message to [email protected] with any questions! 

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