FUN-DAMENTALS of Social Sport
Jun 11

FUN-DAMENTALS of Social Sport

June 11, 2021 - 3 years ago

we’ve all been to a game, practice or event where we left thinking it was horrible. This makes us sad.
at urban rec, our goal is to make your night playing with us the best of your week!

To accomplish this goal, we need YOUR help! Each time to rock up to an Urban Rec game, please remember these 5 FUN-DAMENTALS of playing social sport with us.

  1. Play to have fun, not to win.
  2. Be the team you want to play against.
  3. Don’t take the game or yourself too seriously.
  4. Practice the art of letting things go.
  5. Remember our Event Hosts have feelings too.

1. Play to have fun, not to win

This is self explanatory. Remember that we give away a 1st place prize,  but if you're tied on the standings' table at the end of the season, the winner will be the one with the higher fun points average! Plus we also give the most fun team in the league a sweet prize!

2. Be the team you want to play against

Ever played a game where you left thinking "jeeze...that was horrible...that team was full of miserable humans”?! DON'T BE THAT TEAM. ⁠ ⁠ Be the happy, smiling, friendly, encouraging, socially competitive (but not intense) team you'd want to play against. ⁠

3. Don’t take the game or yourself too seriously

You're not playing in State of Origin, the Olympics or World Cup. There's no TV cameras and you're not trialing for the pros. ⁠ ⁠ You're playing social sport with Urban Rec. And with us, you actually get better prizes for being more fun! Have a laugh and don't take yourself too seriously. ⁠ ⁠ There are lots of other comps in the Gong that'll help you reach your full sporting potential and aspirations...Urban Rec isn't one of them. (unless of course, your dream is winning epic prizes, making friends and having fun...)

4. Practice the art of letting things go

Life's a rollercoaster. It's also too short to waste time choosing to point out all the little things ("that's a forward pass," "her foot is out," etc). Choose to believe the best in your opponent...they're human...they'll make mistakes or they may just be learning! ⁠
Instead of focusing on the negative, keep smiling, have a (friendly) laugh, ask your Event Host at break to watch out for it and move on. Remember FUN-DAMENTALS #3 of not taking social sport or yourself too seriously and #1 of playing to have fun, not to win.

5. Remember our event hosts have feelings too

Finally, last but probably the most important FUN-DAMENTAL of social sport is remembering that our Event Hosts have feelings too! They are there to facilitate fun and ensure your safety...not to make super technical calls and blow the whistle at every minor indiscretion. ⁠
Please treat our Event Hosts like the absolutely amazing AF legends that they are. Share a laugh, ask questions with respect and remember they are there to have fun too. A bit'o banter is ok, but arguing, yelling or comments of disrespect are never ok.⁠

If you have any questions about the 5 FUN-DAMENTALS of playing social sport with Urban Rec, please hit us up! → [email protected]

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Winter Leagues OPEN!
Jun 4

Winter Leagues OPEN!

June 4, 2021 - 3 years ago

winter is here…
beat the chill this winter through social sport &
Winter leagues are now online for registration for all teams!

NOTE – If you are a current team playing in AUTUMN, your PRIORITY REGISTRATION WEEK = 21-28 JUNE! If you re-register your team during that week, you’ll get $100 off your team fee! BUT – don’t delay and risk losing your spot! – you can put down a $150 deposit NOW, and then pay the balance (with the $100 deposit applied) during Priority Registration Week!

[** = leagues that are INDOORS **]


  • Dodgeball @ Corrimal – starts 22 July **
  • Soccer @ UOW – starts 22 July

Shoot us a message to [email protected] with any questions! 

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