Spring Basketball UOW [Mon] - 6wk Rules



  • The number of players shall be five (5) players.

  • The team must include a minimum of two (2) male, two (2) female and all remaining players can be any gender including gender diverse people.

  • To start the game, this league requires your team to have a minimum of four (4) players participating, including one (1) male, one (1) female or one (1) gender diverse person, unless discussions pre game between teams allow no females.

  • Please consider our Default, Forfeit, and Substitute Policy

  • Substitutes can be used as long as they have created an account and signed the most up to date Urban Rec waiver. During game play, substitutes can be made at any point in the game.


GAME TIME The game is played in two (2) 18 halves with a few minutes break at half time.

COURT BOUNDARIES A standard Basketball court is used however some variations may vary depending on the venue.

STARTING THE GAME The game commences is commenced at the start and at half time with a ‘jump ball’ in the middle of the court. The Event Host will decide which gender takes the jump ball at each commencement of play.

SCORING Each basket will be worth one (1) point & each 3 point basketball will be worth two (2) points. Any foul shot is worth one (1) point.


THE BALL: The ball can be advanced up the court with the hands only, either by dribbling or passing to teammates.  

HALF COURT DEFENCE: When the ball is being thrown in from the baselinebase line after a basket has been scored, all defensive players must make their way back to half way before defending. This is also relevant after a defensive rebound or turnover has been made. All decisions and calls on this are atis at the Event Hosts discretion.

FOULS: Fouls are penalties assessed for rough play. Fouls are awarded either out of bounds or if in the act of shooting, two (2) free throws are awarded. Players are expected to call themselves when they foul another player, if a player thinks they have been fouled it is then the Event Hosts final call.

Here are a simple list of reasons players would be called for a foul:

  • Blocking – Caused when the defender makes personal contact with an opponent who may or may not have the ball. Blocking is called when the defender impedes the progress of the opponent.

  • Screening – Avoid setting any dangerous screens that may impact a player when they’re not looking. This can cause head clashes and serious injuries.

  • Charging – When an offensive player makes contact with a defender who has already established a set position. A player with the ball must avoid contact with a stationary defender by stopping or changing direction.

  • Contact – Urban Rec is a non-contact sport, any elbowing, pushing, shoving, intense body contact, slapping of hands or holding any players will be deemed a foul & the Event Host has the final say.

  • Blocking Females – Male players are allowed to block a female player’s shot provided the following conditions are met: (1) feet must remain on the ground (i.e. no jumping or leaving the ground); (2) hands and arms must be straight in the air or at 90 degrees; and (3) NO leaning in. If a male player blocks a female player not in adherence to the rules, the basket will count from where the ball was shot from & the player will also receive 1 additional free throw.

VIOLATIONS The basketball basic rules include numerous ball handling that cause a team to lose possession of the ball. Here are some common violations.

  • Back-court Violation – If (when on offense), you cross half court line, you cannot bring the ball backwards across the half court line into your defensive end.

  • Double Dribble - When a dribbler touches the ball with both hands at the same time or when the dribbler stops dribbling, holds the ball with two hands and then starts dribbling again.

  • Goal-tending – Occurs when a player touches a shot ball while it is in its downward flight above the rim. It also occurs when a defender touches a free throw attempt outside the basket.

  • Lane Violation – A violation called during a free throw situation against a player who enters the lane too soon.

  • Traveling – A violation caused by moving the feet in any direction without properly dribbling the ball. It results in a turnover, and the ball is given to the opposing team. While holding the ball, a player has to establish a pivot foot which has to remain on the floor at all times until he passes, shoots, or dribbles.


FAIRPLAY SYSTEM Each league night you will have an Event Host onsite, but Event Hoststhese guys are not official referees. Urban Rec is proud to be the best non-competitive league which practices fair play, meaning you should be making your own calls during the game. The Event Host will be there to make calls at their discretion, keep time and help guide the games within the game rules. Urban Rec Event Hosts have the final say on any issue that cannot be self-resolved. 

SPORTSMANSHIP If you are seen to be rude or not playing within the respect of the rules your Event Host has the right to ask you to sub and take a break. If your Event Host then has to warn you more times then they have the right to ask you to leave the field or court and an assessment will be made if you can return to play. We don’t tolerate idiots, play fair.